Monday, December 6, 2010

keinsafan disebalik kekhilafan

salam penghujung tahun 1431. insyaallah kalau diberikan kesempatan oleh Allah swt, esok umat islam akan menyambut awal muharram. jgn lupa baca doa akhir tahun sblm masuknya waktu maghrib hari ni ye kwn2.
sy sedar akhir2 ini update di fb semcm menggambarkan sy mempunyai masalah yg maha berat. malah ada yg menyangka sy telah putus cinta@kasih ehehe tergelak sy dibuatnya. terima kasih diatas keprihatinan kwn2 n x lupa juga saudara-mara. semua ini menyedarkan sy bahawa beruntungnya sy kerana mempunyai kwn2 n saudara mara yg sentiasa mengambil berat wpn ada antara kita terpisah jarak. utk makluman kwn2, masalah yg sy hadapi tidaklah terlalu besar. ia hanyalah masalah keluarga yg tidak mampu sy coretkan di blog yg x seberapa ini. cuma apa yg ingin sy kongsikan bagaimana sy mendefinasikan perkataaan kasih sayang mengikut kefahaman diri yg serba kekurangan ini;)
sy dilahirkan didlm keluarga yg tidak mempamerkan kasih sayang secara zahir. secara jujur semasa di peringkat remaja sy secara diam-diam memberontak dgn kehidupan sy. bg sy byk perkara yg tidak sy sukai mengenai keluarga sy. bagi remaja yg meningkat usia sy mahukan ibu bapa yg mengikut kehendak sy. pd ketika itu, definisi kasih sayang adlh memenuhi keperluan, kemahuan n kehendak sy shj. betapa ceteknya ilmu n akal sy ketika itu. alhamdulillah makin meningkat dewasa sy semakin rasional dlm memberi makna kpd perkataan kasih sayang itu sendiri. sy mampu menilai pengorbanan ibu bapa sy sepnjg hidup sy; pengorbanan yg tak terbalas. mata hati sy sudah celik apb melihat bapa sy sggup turun ke dapur semata-mata utk membekalkan sy dgn menu istimewanya apb musim cuti semester berakhir. hati sy telah dilembutkan dgn kerisauan yg terpamer di wajah ibu sy apb sy mahu pulang ke utara tanah air demi sesuap nasi(hanya menyenaraikan beberapa contoh) adakah itu semua masih tidak cukup utk menunjukkan bahawa mereka sbnrnya kasih & sayang terhadap sy?bagi sy mereka menyayangi sy n adik2 dgn cara mereka sendiri. peringatan buat diri sendiri; ingatlah tiada seorang pn ibu @ bapa yg tidak menyayangi anak-anak mereka. kita di pihak anak2 juga perlu berusaha memahami erti kasih sayang yg diberikan. semoga dengan tahun baru ini, sy mampu menjadi anak n kakak yg bertanggungjawab. sesungguhnya sy amat menyayangi keluarga sy wpn kdg2 sy x mampu menzahirkan dgn kata2.

Friday, October 29, 2010

rindu itu datang dgn tiba-tiba;)

pernahkah anda terfikir bagaimana hidup tanpa seorang yg bernama sahabat/teman/kawan. apa jua panggilan yg diberikan, hidup saya akan terasa kosong n gelap tanpa kehadiran sahabat. sy amat beruntung kerana Allah swt telah mempertemukan sy dgn beberapa orang sahabat sepanjang 26 tahun bernafas di bumi-Nya. sahabat-sahabat yg sekepala, gila-gila, suka travel, suka makan n pada masa yg sama memahami n menerima sy seadanya. seperkara yg menarik, kami adalah individu yg sama tapi tak serupa. masing2 mempunyai karektor yg tersendiri n unik tp kami akn bersetuju dgn beberapa perkara iaitu; RM, shopping, foods, percutian bajet, beautiful places n hot guys ehehehe. owh rindunya dgn insan-insan ni:
- shiela: i wish u'll success with your research -> aku kagum dgn ko sebenarnye
- nina: hope u'll be happily ever after with your chekgu
- yamie: please be married by next year -> x sabaq nk tgk ko atas pelamin dgn yoyie ehehe
- anis: u should know that we are here for u no matter what happen k
entri ni tercipta setelah baca entri ni sebenarnya. missing u guys soooo freaking bad

Friday, September 24, 2010


hi peeps. still in raya mood?! as for me, bila dh besar2 mcm ni dh x excited sgt nk raya. as usual, my raya celebration was quite similar with last year je. i went back to both kampung; pekan n maran,makan ketupat-lemang-biskut raya, met with my dearest friends n had a picnic by the sea. nothing much different though i had a-2weeks-leave. raya puasa - done. now, waiting for raya haji plak. i'm planning to take 3 days leave. can't wait to go back to kuantan AGAIN!!!! yahoooo!!!
okla enoungh with raya stories. yesterday, i had an issue with a student. mls nk cite sbb mls nk ingat how rude was the student. to ease my problem, i did closet cleaning. for me, it's a kind of way to get rid of the problem temporarily. it turned out that i have to discard 3 pairs of pants and 3 pairs of kebaya because of my bigger thighs n bloated tummy. huhuhu i want my normal size back!!!!
after cleaning out my closet, i realize that it has been ages since i did my last offline shopping. even when i was in kuantan i didn't manage to shop n use the padini voucher card. i also realize how boring my closet is. it is ONLY full with baju kurungs(work attire), t-shirts(dr zaman U), pants(i don't wear jeans anymore), blouses(mostly from padini) n muslimah blouses which i bought online. not that i'm being ungrateful but being like any other women, i just need MORE ehehe. yup i can't get enough of baju-bajuan. owh, did i mention that i have to discard 3 pairs of pants. probably i need at least one new pants

Tapered Paperbag Pants from Blu & Blak
the link

the first pants seems nice kan but i've never bought pants from blogshop. takut beli tp tak muat. the second pants would be my favourite pick. i love the colour, the pattern n the comfortness of the pants. nampak sangat selesa n at the same time, hijab friendly(tak ketat)
the link
the link
effortlessly beautiful. how can i pull out these look??? - of course with longsleeve shirt n headscarf;) sebenarnya byk lg pictures yg menarik kt link-link yg dh diberikan tu. sape2 yg nk getting inspired bolehla klik je link tu. happy viewing;)

Monday, August 30, 2010

1Malaysia Menjana Transformasi


p/s: what does merdeka mean to you?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

if you could see me now

assalamualaikum wbt. it has been 2 months since my last post. alhamdulillah i'm still breathing though (literally) i've had to go through some bumpy roads for the past few months. at this moment, i miss my hometown. the place where i feel much more appreciated. n i miss the people badly. the people who would go through thick n thin with me, who would laugh at my not-so-lawak jokes n the most impotant; who won't treat me like i was invisible;(

Thursday, June 17, 2010

#1 bebel

i have no idea why certain people enjoy littering. i know i'm not good enough to mother nature either but at least i don't litter. when i was young, whenever we were in a car for our journey to somewhere, my abah would bring along a plastic bag to be used in the car. we could only throw the rubbish in that plastic bag or else we would get scolded by him. being a good plus sweet daughter i have never thrown rubbish outside my abah's car window. i thought i did that to please my abah only but alhamdulillah the habit continues even after i got my cars; from kancil to getz. so when a person who took ride in my car said that she wanted to throw the drink cup outside the car window, i was stunned. at that moment, i couldn't think, what on earth, at this century, certain people couldn't see the importance of keeping this world clean. please, please kamu jangan nakal opsss terlebih sudah. please keep our world clean as we don not inheret the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. i couldn't imagine how do i live next 10, 20 years but i don't hope to live in a dump

Thursday, June 3, 2010



my trip to melaka last weekend was awesome. thanks anis, nina, shiela n yamie for the memories. i'll treasure those moments in my treasure box ehehe. hope we would be able to go on trip again next year. i'm thinking of visiting vietnam. anyone?
p/s: nina, pls upload the pics ASAP. x sabaq nk tgk!!