(pic credit to yahoo images)
-thanks mak for bringing me into this world-
-thanks abah for being our head of family-
-thanks abah for being our head of family-
-thanks PMC for the 30% discount voucher-(i don't think i'll use it. so if anyone is interested to have 30% discount, do join me for window shopping probably this friday. just ring me k)
-thanks MAXIS for one day free call service-(hey, u should give a week. i've been your user since 2002; x pnh tukaq no tau. nk call sape ye?)
-thanks GSC for the birthday treat-(i couldn't make it; raye x smpt tgk movie)
-thanks ALLAH swt for giving me opportunity to live in your world for a year. i don't know if i could celebrate it next year
4 colours:
selamat hari lahir ke -25
ha...sorang lagi kakak ku yang da menjangkau usia suku abad...hehehe
perasan la aswa, pgl kakak plak, aku bleh la pgl ema kakak =)=) hmm ema psl PMC 30% discount voucher tu kan....*wink*wink*
ye yamie jom bershopping!!
eh...aku xwish ke????aku dah wish kan???nape ko xlist nama aku??? sedeynyer...
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