it has been such a long time i stopped from online shopping. imagine, there's no parcel for me in this 2 months huhuhu. rasa mcm lost je ehehehe. this month is like a come back for me. i used my birthday as an excuse to shop. does it mean waste your money amalina?'s self-rewarding ehehehe. i got influenced easily with my friends' reviews; yamie n aswa(kwn2 ku sila jgn buat review ttg brg yg anda semua beli k). so these are my worth buying for this month;

i took the pic from yamie's.
yamie curik gambo tau. i love the wording; answering shoes lovers' prayers
sukanye!! it'll be mine tomorrow.
comel x? pic is taken from
as i'm turning into 25 years old this year, i start to concern about my health. i do hope i could eat healthily; avoid oily n sweet foods n drinks, start exercising and have annual medical check-up. i will start consuming nutrimeals (mine is dutch choc flavour) daily after this raya n hope could achieve my ideal weight.
x sabar nk jdk the biggest loser =p
6 colours:
hehehe too bad ko kwn ngan aku ema, i'll keep updating u wif all my purchases after this =)=)
p/s: baru beli jubah comel untuk raya, nnt tnjuk gmbar
perlu yamie ko menghasut aku yg baik ni hehehe
should I call u kakak?
or u don't mind at all.
sweet 25 dear ;)
n, cantik sgt2 that bag!
btw u bought the nutrimeal
from kak leeds kah?
good luck with ur diet program.
nnt tempek lah pic before n after.
huhu ko patut promote that nutrimeal to me...i need that badly coz even on fasting month pun my weight are not gpoing down...nasib baik just maintain...kalau naik mau pengsan aku..huhuh
hahaha...if u live in japan sis, lg bhye la ngan internet shopping ni.mau lingkup.puas la gne kad kredit tu kt sne.tiap kli masuk musim baru, wajib la bershppg.hepi bday tau.sori lmbt wish hr tu.
ish ish lagik =p
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