last weekend was a blast for me. i had good times with the kaki's- shopping, eating, laughing, merapu-ing ehehehe. let's the pictures do the talking k=) pictures yg diupload sgtla byk wpn bkn dicapture oleh photog yg bertauliah. janji aku suka semua pictures ni ehehehe

WEAR MASK FOR PROTECTION! we had to pay 20 cent per person to go into this toilet for the sake of wearing masks (
mana ada benda free kt kl ni). it's nina who FORCED us to wear that masks.
nina is a very health-conscious err should i call freak ehehehe girl. dh mcm robot dh aku tgk depa ni ehehehe. yamie trpaksa menutup muka spy identitinya tidak diketahui umum ehehehe 
our first destination; jalan masjid india.
rambang mata tengok baju n tudung kt sini. alhamdulillah.. nina telah mendapat nur cahaya ramadhan ehehehe she planned to buy new kain telekung but she ended up with buying none huhuhu
sumpah aku x nk dh shopping dgn ko nina. nk pengsan n nk trmuntah tau x!!!!
3 kaki's in the train. on the way back after having our second round of shopping spree at jalan masjid india. we had our buka-puasa at SOGO food court
je as nina said that we have to wait for anis for our main grand buka puasa day
it's my second day in k.l. we went to mid for our shopping spree..again!!!!. sales di merata-rata tempat. tergugat imanku ehehehe. nina nk sgt amik pic dgn lembu ni. isk pelik betul la. kt kg ko xde lembu ke nina ehehehe mai dtg perlis. aku amik pic ko dgn lembu ori hahahaha
anis has come into the picture..
jom berwindow-shopping lagi! we went back to nina's house around 6pm to get ready for our buka puasa
best dpt berbuka dgn kaki's. burp...mmg sgt kenyang. we were wearing traditional baju kurung. thanks nina for making us wearing baju kurung. i think we looked sweet and cute
mcm perempuan melayu terakhir kn..

say good bye to THE SEOUL GARDEN( me wearing polka-dot japenese cotton baju kurung, red rubi shoes and my all time favourite-wrinkless-
senang dibentuk-black shawl). then we headed to uptown cheras. i could barely open my eyes. nina as usual still had the energy to
tawaf the place

it's sunday. people said time flies too fast when we're having fun rite. it's time to get back to reality. no more shopping. no more hanging around with anis, nina n yamie. no more dining out at fancy restaurant. thanks anis for the ride. thanks nina for the accommodation. thanks yamie for the KRISPY KREME(it's not really my cup of tea though; it's tooooo sweet). i arrived safely at kepala batas at 8.15 am. during my journey, i got to know new friend. we had conversation before the plane took off (i slept for the rest of journey;
pdhal x smpai sejm pn tp mmg ngantuk sgt2) i rarely start the conversation with stranger actually. maybe the good mood changes me that day ehehehe. girls let's do it again k. next time make sure shiela is available during our gathering-cum-shopping spree
yep/s: i wote the word shopping a few times. so what did i buy during my trip to k.l ehehehe? can u guess?
10 colours:
Aku xnak dh shoping ngan nina. 2nd shoping trip wif her i ended up feeling exhausted =(=( Plan asal nk blk kuantan kul1 tp kul6 baru tolak. Mereka mmg suka membuli saya huhuhuhu
huhu tu namanya eksesais kaki...he
aswa tu bkn takat eksesais dh. tu dh namenye mendera hahahaha
let me guess,
u beli baju raya!
ngeh ngeh :DDD
agreed..nothing more than agreed...len kali plan shopping nak ikut kena make sure nina buying something..hahaha
xpe la shila aku surrender. Ko berusaha la memujuk nina untuk membeli sumting len kali. Aku dh angkat bendera putih dh =p
ema....the pics are so sweet.... i miss the moment..laen kali kite lepak lama sket weh..walaupun terpksa layan nina yang ala-ala nk memborong tapi akhirnya xjadi..haha...
aswa...shiela....jom ar..
patotla aku tersedak sedak kat sini...aku boring shopping kt kl ni..depa pun dah kenal muke aku...kalau bwk aku ke padang besar mungkin aku shopping x hengat...girls, aku ade shopping spot baru....telah habis ratusan rm disitu...nnt aku tunjuk...
sy beli brg murah je xda la glam2 mcm guess hehehe
cess...yg ni kalau membeli dlm kuantiti byk..sah akan cecah ratus RM...hehe
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