a very simple not a girl not yet a woman who loves - fashion but afraid to try new look - online n window shopping but try to spend my RM wisely - cutey things - rainbow - ice cream - korean movies n songs - tomyam - values friendship - loves family - dreams to globetrot -
ween, frankly speaking, i'm touched by your sweet words. am i really one of your special blogger's friends? nothing special about my blog though. this entry is specially dedicated for you, ween. i normally won't upload this kind of picture ehehehe. you see ween, i'm trying to post what-i-wore entry. this is my first and last time k. i'm not good at it.. i'm a camera shy person (*-*)
6 colours:
aik... watpe mi? awat mcm org nak solat jenazah je? mana jenazahnya?
who is ween?
ustaz: nk solat blehke pkai baju mcm tu?
aswa: my blogger's friend
hikhik tul la adanz, cam nak solat lak ami ni...
ehehehe bkn ape k.lin.ni la aksi yg plg sopan.klau letak gmbr lain trkejut plak nnti
comelness! ehek
geram tgk koleksi kasut
xcukup dlm kotak
bersusun bwh baju
baju ta cukup dlm almari
bersusun lua almari
such a shopaholic, erk ;)
btw. u touch my feeling too
tsk. tsk :')
sorry for the late respon
ween baru habis exam..
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