Monday, October 5, 2009


at the age of 25, i've been bombarded with questions about marriage.who doesn't want to get married?! i'm sure everyone does. honestly i'm not really tense up with the situation as most of my bestest friends still carry the status SINGLE with them ehehe. it's like a comfort zone for me to stay single even though at this age i should have at least a child erk??
personaly, i don't think i'm ready to be someone's WIFE. i'm not ready to have commitments as a married career woman
from my point of views, marriage is not only the sharing of love and passion together. it means sharing your whole entire life together. it's the acceptance of each strengths and weaknesses. it's the tolerance of each similarities and differences. it's a sharing of likes and dislikes. it's how you decide on which side to go back for hari raya every year. it's how you reveal each ugly truth. it's how you go through thick n thin together. it's how you disagree but you support each other decisions. it's how at the end of your age, both of you could still sit side by side holding hands and sharing the ups and downs in your marriage=) see!! how complicated do i view the concept of marriage. no wonder i'm still single until now hahahaha
p/s: nina hope your dream to have us wearing kebaya nyonya on your wedding day will come true =p

5 colours:

Mata Gembira said...

yaeh..ure right..masanya akn tiba..eheehe.bila dah sampai 'seru' tue n dah jumpak ur mr.right..semua yang ada difikiran bukan lagi sati persoalan...hikhik

yaya6783 said...

sincere advise
just do it once u are ready
i mean really
gudluck then!

aReLaN said...

huhuhu..the time will come even long as u r hepi, i'm hepi too.keep it on sis

a.m.n.i.n.a said...

Let us together pray for it...amin

shiela-suka-suki said...

good review ema, Im also feel the same as u do..perkahwinan bukan untuk sehari dua...but for the entire life..sampai ke liang lahad...sbb tu kene pilih btul2