a very simple not a girl not yet a woman who loves - fashion but afraid to try new look - online n window shopping but try to spend my RM wisely - cutey things - rainbow - ice cream - korean movies n songs - tomyam - values friendship - loves family - dreams to globetrot -
mak, could i have duit raya earlier this year so that i could buy all of these for my gathering next week? ceh, padahal dh bertahun x dpt duit raya ehehehe. i desperately need baju baru!!!
Duit raya?? Penting sangat ke?? No comment..Tapi semua benda nak beli kena ada duit, esp bila musim raya..Maybe ni klik sini bole bagi idea utk buat duit raya. Anyway, selamat berpuasa.
4 colours:
cantik nye baju!
yeah, sometimes ween pun rasa
we should get duit raya before raya,
kan kan? baru boleh shopping sakan :D
selamat berpuasa Naema!
eiii lawa2 nyer!!
jay n ween, mmg cantikkn.klau ada byk duit knpem dh beli ehehe
Duit raya?? Penting sangat ke?? No comment..Tapi semua benda nak beli kena ada duit, esp bila musim raya..Maybe ni klik sini bole bagi idea utk buat duit raya. Anyway, selamat berpuasa.
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