Thursday, August 20, 2009

sejarah mungkin berulang?

meet my bff (insyaallah), nurly. she used to be a very cute small little girl in our class but now she is a mama to a beautiful baby girl named ilham. sedih x sempat jumpe aritu=( how i miss those 'students' moments badly; no need to worry about $ and works, staying up late, gossipping, watching korean movies, sharing love stories together, traveling to s.alam with MBG,the sleptover at nurly's house yg berhantu tu n banyak lagi kenangan2 yg semestinya tidak akan berulang lagi huhuhu

p/s: nurly, i will treasure those memories forever. gambar2 mase muda2 dulu selalu membuatkanku sentimental sorg2 ehehehe

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