proud to say that this is my first MC after 2 years of working in ptss. i was terribly ill that day and just couldn't get up from my bed huhuhuhu. thanks to k.fizah who accompanied me to the clinic and thanks to those who were concerned about my health=)
p/s: the MC was actually taken on 13 of august . i'm fully recovered from my fever now. thanks friends!
p/s: the MC was actually taken on 13 of august . i'm fully recovered from my fever now. thanks friends!
5 colours:
semoga cepat sembuh...chayok2..
alhmdulillh, dh smbuh kn..mkn pn dh lalu..;)tdo lena x?? he
time macam ni la terasa sgt bila duk sorang2... semoga cepat sehat
ema, semoga cepat sembuh...
thanks sdh sembuh
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